
How To Find Exactly The Right Training Angle To Build Chest Muscle?

the flat bench press, one of the three tests of willpower in weightlifting, is the best-performing big brother; the upward incline bench press is the charismatic little brother as an alternative for bodybuilders; the downward incline bench press is the one tucked away in the corner, much neglected.

Jul 07, 2023

There Are Reasons Why You Can't Say No To a Pull-Up, Because It Has So Many Advantages!

how many pull-ups can you do in one set, 10, 20 or 50? How many can you do if you only do pull-ups in one set, 100, 300 or 500?

Jul 06, 2023

Why Is The Squat The King Of Movements? Find Out How To Practice To Get One Step Closer To Mastery

it may have happened to you that you don't know what movements to do when you train. Every time the plan is mechanically repeated, boring.

Jul 05, 2023

Take a Look At The Benefits And Advantages Of The Pull-Up And Will You Ever Underestimate This Golden Move?

Having a wide and thick back has never been the preserve of the best. But every time you look at your back in the mirror, it doesn't feel thick enough.

Jul 04, 2023

No More Complaints About Narrow Shoulders! Is It Because He Is Using All These Methods To Develop Wide Shoulders?

How many times a week do you work on your shoulders? How do you usually schedule them?

Jul 02, 2023

No Progress In Bench Press Strength, Work On Other Movements To Help Improve The Big Three

there will always be people climbing weights in the gym, and no matter how strong you are, if you lift a light weight there will always be some talk about your lack of strength.

Jul 01, 2023

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